The Revamp

Ok so I started this blog in 2014 it is now 2017 and I am still fat.  I lack consistency and I know it. So to ensure I keep going in one way or another I am changing the format of my blog so that I have a wider range of things to type about, because nobody like a diet bore (right?)

Here is my proposition and what I have been up to since my last update.

I have had to stop seeing my PT Pom no reflection on him but I just couldn’t afford to pay him what he was asking each month.  Because my life is dedicated to the approval of others (No I don’t know why) I totally lost the plot with the Gym.

Anytime is still there and still gloriously purple but me and Anytime fell out of love with each other … its  not them, its me but I just felt that the mood and feel changed in the place, with the focus on gym challenges only the fittest could survive and a body beautiful shred approach that just reminded me what a failure I am.  I just don’t think I will ever truly belong in a gym environment and that is by no means a critic of those it does suit.

I joined a running club (did you faint?) I joined a couch to 5K course… I will write a blog on that separately.

We bought a camper van.

So my blog is going to change to a lifestyle and humour blog rather than just fitness focused.

Hang on to your hats those who read this (yeah both of you) I am prone to going off on tangents.

Could be fun though 🙂
