The Heaviest weight I lifted

Yesterday was a typical Friday at work, the day seemed to drag and what made it worse was that rather than do a lunchtime Gym session I decided I would go in the evening and save the hours at work.

I finished up for the day and went home, my beloved other half who had decided he was going to score some of the Chicken curry I cooked  rang me and asked me to put some white rice on for him.  Through the door he bounds with Samosas, Poppadum’s’,  and peshwari naans  to supplement my lovely healthy dish.

Once again in my imagination I am fly kicking him in the head because not only have I had a slow day, I’m hungry and still have the Gym session to do before I am able to relax.

I made at this moment a huge mistake……. I sat down…. and that is where the major argument started… I mean of course the mental battle with myself on all the reasons I could think of NOT to go.  Here is a short list

  • I don’t feel very well
  • I’m tired
  • I don’t want to go on my own
  • Its going to be busy
  • I don’t really know what I’m doing
  • Its too hard
  • I have other things I want to do
  • Its cold out

Then I thought to myself I could just lie to Pom and tell him I went and at that moment it dawned on me…… Who am I really lying to. Pom cares but it makes no difference to him if I go or not.  This is where a lot of people misunderstand the PT.  With this revelation I went up stairs and put my Gym kit on, got in my car and drove to the Gym and totally owned the place.  I moved kit to meet the needs of my workout I adjusted myself to ensure I was using the right form and I looked in the mirror to check…

IMG-20151016-WA0014Here is my proof.  Also from this you can see that

  • My ill health was in my head
  • I found the energy from somewhere
  • I was perfectly alright on my own
  • There was hardly anybody there
  • I totally knew what I was doing
  • Its as hard as it needs to be
  • I didn’t really have anything else to do
  • I wasn’t cold for long but when I went out I put on my Anytime Fitness hoody.

And so all my excuses not to go were shot out of the water, one by one.

It transpired that the heaviest weight I lifted that evening was lifting my ample ass off the sofa… and I am very glad I did!
