New Day 2016

Happy 2016 all, I am back again like a YoYo.

Sometimes life just takes over and finding the time to write a blog or even try to think of something witting and enlightening to say when on the whole my life is hum drum but ticking over your work time drags and time at home just flies by.

But I have a dream (wait isn’t that a famous speech?).

It was pointed out to me today that despite me thinking my blog is just the inane rantings of a fit girl in a jiggerly fat suit, some of my words have actually hit home with people.

I suppose our pack mentality says there is safety in numbers and its comforting to know that you are not the only one who feels a particular way.  So in the hope that in some way I am helping I have opened my blogs up so that you can comment on them directly.  This for me is a massively brave move. I lay myself bare here being as honest about my thoughts and feelings as I can and so when I started I blocked comments so I didn’t get attacked by keyboard antagonists.

But I am interested to see what you really think and want to give you the opportunity to enhance this blog with your own thoughts.

So here is my thought of the day. To truly want to improve yourself you have to learn to love yourself , as frankly I wouldn’t want to help someone I really didn’t like.

What I am saying is that you need to learn to work with what you have got I am not promoting an unhealthy lifestyle I am saying if you are overweight its ok to still like yourself, you don’t have to hate who you are because society has got a downer on obesity at the moment. If you are happy and healthy weight is just a number so don’t focus on numbers, focus on how you feel and then because you like yourself you are going to want to help yourself to a better life.

So from a YoYo I go to YOLO (you only live once).

Take each day as a new day be it a step up , a step side ways or even a step backwards.

Try to laugh at, at least one thing a day no matter how silly..(fart noises always get me :)…)



One thought on “New Day 2016

  1. graham martin

    Lou, I totally agree I am fortunate not to suffer with weight issues just the man-gut that gets harder to move as you get older ; I work hard with Pom and eat good healthy food (juicing for a week now ) but I am only interested in feeling good about myself ; self esteem is important ; clothes that fit make you happy . I have not weighed myself for several months now , but I noticed in the gym over the holiday people talking about how much weight they had put on rather than having a good time . All we want to be is happy, I have everything I want in life but still seem to be not totally happy or is that satisfied , I don,t know . I am an aetheist with a buddist mentallity which helps me a little as I don,t look for invisible help or need a crutch to lean on ; I wish I knew the meaning of life and had all the answers but its what works for you that counts ; I am still searching, maybe I need a GPS but I will not give up on the search and my advice to all is keep on kicking ass even when they try to put the lid down . Rambling over ……………………

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