Okay so I went to the gym today feeling a bit flat to be honest. I’ve had to go to see a physiotherapist because I’ve got a pain in my knees which has been ongoing for some time and was starting to make me want to give it all up . I have to admit that even though I don’t consider myself a gym bunny and still don’t consider the gym to be my comfortable domain it was a lovely vibe in there today that was until my coach Pom FinishStrong Tutt, who had colluded with my physiotherapist to conjure a plan who’s evilness could not be surpassed by even Satan himself informed me that today’s session would mainly be on the Power Mill! ….. For those of you who are not familiar with this piece of gym equipment it was designed by Beelzebub in order to punish the innocent. it is a perpetual set of stairs, a set of stairs that never ever ever stops it just keeps rolling round and round and round until you’re dissolved by your own sweat I actually thought I was going to puke a lung at one point. When asked by Pom the magnificent how I felt he seemed almost gleeful at my answer of “I feel sick” for my coach is a very good sadist. However my tale of woe does indeed have a happy ending after doing 30 flights of stairs (which to some may not sound a lot) I’m managing not to puke a lung Ivan actually sailed through yes I said it sailed through 100 kettle bell swings and I have to say they were easier this time. My word of the day is growth . Sometimes the improvements aren’t always ones that you see in the mirror sometimes is a little achievements sometimes a big achievements going from flat to 30 flights and 100 kettle bell swings for me is a big achievement still smiling at the end big aceivment, Managing to tweet a sneaky sweaty face to picture in the gym without being caught small achievement.
Additionally, and the reason for today’s blog title, on discussing what I’ll be doing in the gym tomorrow Pom started tagging on little bits and pieces ….extras to what I’ve been doing so far all in the name of growth ….. “it’s Friday tomorrow” I said “most normal people will be out drinking partying and enjoying themselves” to which Pom Tutt replied “who the fudge (cleaned up for the benefit of the delicate) wants to be normal, I don’t wanna be normal do you wanna be normal ?” I’ve had a good Ole think about that since he said it and I have to say no I don’t want to be normal I want to be exceptional!! .
Look at his face …Punisher! But I love to hate him