Might as well face it you’re addicted to …

Everybody keeps telling me that eventually I’ll get addicted to going to the gym nearly 18 months down the line and I’m still waiting.. I’m three or four weeks into my healthy eating now .. And quite frankly every day is a battle between eating healthily and eating things that I like eating.   I mentioned in work today how I was really craving junk food and in order to help me one of my work colleague started listing all the fast food joints available in the local area . No don’t get me wrong I haven’t had a total humour bypass I know  they were just saying things in jest but at the end of the day you wouldn’t start sticking a bottle of vodka under alcoholics nose would you ? .. This leads me to my point basically a drug addict can never take drugs again and live. An alcoholic can never have a drink again and live. The foodaholic has to still eat food every day, everything you put in your mouth could lead you to temptation which is going to take you off the path because it’s so easy once you’ve had an unhealthy thing to eat to just spiral out to of control.  The program I’m on tries to combat this by giving you a cheat day we like to call it Faturday  as very often in my case it’s a Saturday.  My mental block comes when I try and convince myself that I prefer the flavour of broccoli to that of a very nice sausage roll I freely admit I am a sausage roll addict.  I don’t know about you  but have you ever noticed how many food adverts are on television it’s not fair they have taken cigarettes off television because they want to stop people smoking and yet the government combating obesity don’t think about taking fast food adverts off the television..,,I mean at the end of the day we all know where the nearest KFC is or  McDonald’s and within reason we all pretty much know what’s on the menu so why do we need to be constantly reminded about it . As you can probably tell I’ve got a bit of a grump on this evening mainly because  i’m getting a bit fed up of having to cook all the time I’m getting a bit fed up of not getting any support from the other half who keeps buying cakes and crisps and biscuits and bringing them into the house so I’m in a bit of a blue mood I think in view of that I need to end my blog for now not forever good night .
