Monthly Archives: October 2015

It’s all a learning curve – All about the Blog

Todays post is all about my Blog.

All this is new to me, opening a page like this is if I am honest a little bit of attention seeking but it is also laying myself bare. I haven’t opened the page for comments as yet as I don’t need keyboard warriors telling me how fat I am because ***NEWS FLASH*** I am fully aware I am after all … I have to live it every day.  Each spare evening I have I am trying to learn a little bit and add little bit so hopefully my page will improve as I go along. 

I am planning to start adding members who can comment I am just organising an email address for questions etc 

So if you are reading this thanks for your patience. xxx

Blue ribbon blues.

So today’s menu was overnight oats with honey for breakfast, a hand full of walnuts for a snack , a tin of tuna two boiled eggs and a green leaf salad for lunch another egg as an afternoon snack and I made a four portion batch of Thai green curry and had one portion and whole grain rice for tea…. No photos today as I was more interested in eating that viewing.

I have realised that writing up my recipes is going to be difficult as I don’t really use one… I chuck n taste then stir chuck and taste again, it’s all about understanding flavour ( Jeeze I’m boring myself with this crap)

I am really missing sweet stuff today you know when you finish your dinner and just fancy a chocolate bar or a biccie with your tea(or is that just me?).  I am not helped by my other half who is scoffing fake blue ribbon bars in front of me …. I have slammed his head off the wall several times in my imagination lol X

Working on full instead of empty

I was at the gym today, and  I wanted to share with you a bit about what I have learnt about my body and nutrition.

I would never embark on a long drive before checking my vehicle , so fuel, fluids and tyre safety.

So I used to go to the gym having eaten nothing and wonder why I really struggled.

Today having eaten oats for brekkie and a nuts snack and although a left over disaster enough lunch to fuel my 6pm Gym workout with trainer Pom. I was able to give it my all instead of feeling that awful wall of fatigue.

Moral of the story is ….. eat well, and train smart.

Forget less is more and no pain no gain as frankly one of these can injure you and the other will make you fat!

Can’t always get it right

Due to lack of prep I had left overs for lunch today which I am afraid was so unpleasant it ended up in the bin…. Lesson learned … Prep prep prep … Know what you’re eating and it stops you eating what you shouldn’t 😜

Amazing 12 plus size version going solo

"Session on my own done"
First work out Session doing amazing 12 on my own done — at Anytime Fitness
Here is a run down if my session
I was there about an hour I managed to do all of the Sets and exercises.
Bench press… I think I did ok on the weight was right for amount of reps if I go any heavier training on my own I will either need someone to spot me or use the rack… I couldn’t get up off the bench after either so had to roll off like a bloody hippo…. ( gym hottie I am nottie plus my bloody T shirt kept riding up so as the only woman in the gym on a Friday night I wasn’t really representing )
Lat pull down was busy so I went onto the trx and chest press
Used the 4kg dumbbells weight was fine had to use the step thingy because the incline bench was being used , plus if I’m honest I would not feel comfortable moving the incline bench when I am there on my own …. However the step thingy even on the lower setting seemed bit too upright so I think my form suffered as a consequence
Trx was fine I used my water bottle as a marker to where my feet should go
Lat pull down …. Couldn’t get the straight bar so used another bar but think I may have had my hands round the wrong way… And my breathing was all over the place until I remembered on the last two sets …. Also again couldn’t move the higher Bench so used the step thingy again which seemed a little low… Sitting in front of a mirror working out is a humbling experience …. There was some bright red sweaty fat bird looking back at me ….