Daily Archives: 26/10/2015

Slow and steady wins the race …

So this weekend was the weekend I decided I was going to remeasure myself after eight weeks ..  I was feeling really good feeling fitter, clearer skin, shiny hair, cold nose just like a healthy dog really …..until I put the measuring tape around me and to be honest I was  a little bit disappointed by the loss .  I think secretly I was expecting to have dropped masses I felt better so I figured I must be thinner. I prepared myself for that biggest loser moment where you’re jumping up and down all excited and flapping tears away from your eyes instead it was a bit of a  MEH!, moment.  So what did I do in the face of adversity did I going to the kitchen and raid the fridge no ! Did I go in to the kitchen and raid the cupboards no! did I go down the garage and fill my pockets with chocolate and then fill my face with chocolate no !,….  What I did was text my coach Pom …now what a breakthrough that was !! the reason I’m writing this blog right now is because I think it’s important that you know what reply I got my text .

My text to him said “Right Pom I think we need to ramp things up a bit …done my measurements and they aren’t as drastic as I would’ve liked 😟”

Now at this stage I think most trainers would probably be hitting the books looking for more cardio throwing more weights at me telling me I need to do more sessions a week and get me to fill in a food diary.

This is the reason that I like Pom…  The quintessential difference between a personal trainer and a coach the following is a screenshot of the reply I got to my text message.


Did you notice? 

He wrote we are the tortoise not you are the tortoise …why? Because we are in this together .

Everything is part of the process, what you’ve got to remember when you have disappointments is not to quit is to remember why you started ! and okay I didn’t lose as many inches as I would’ve liked, but I have lost inches and okay they are not off my gargantuan butt but they are off my thunder thighs so every cloud has a silver lining and that hare can run as fast as he likes  but is not going to beat me because forever rest he takes I’m going to keep going and eventually I’m going to reach that finish line look-back smile and say kiss it Big Ears …