Daily Archives: 14/10/2015

The Trinity of Friendship

When you are overweight and either on a diet or following a healthy eating plan, as soon as people find out or work out your are “being good” they assume one of three roles.

The Supporters

These people are the best they are with you all the way they are happy to swap recipes and food ideas they have total faith in your commitment to do this for yourself and give you a big ole “Boo yeah!!” every step of the way, when you falter (because we are human right!) they remind you about how well you have done and support you back on track rather than push.

The Feeders

The feeders are the worst, now I don’t know why this happens , maybe they don’t want you to change either out of jealously or they are concerned that in changing your physical appearance and attitude to food your personality will change and they wither wont like you or you wont like them. Maybe having a fat friend gives them some comfort.  Who knows…. These are the friends who use terms like “One won’t hurt you” or “A little bit of what you fancy does you good” or they may pass reference to you being boring or miserable.  They buy goodies knowing you have no will power and almost support your weakness,

The Pushers

These are the people who don’t support you, they police you.  Everything you do and eat is under scrutiny.. They throw in little things like “Do you really need to eat that?” or “A moment on the lips”.  These people use negative enforcement to guilt you into staying on plan.  I genuinely they believe they are trying to help and if you asked them they would think they are in the Supporters bracket.  What they done realise is the negativity is the last thing on the planet you need.  I refer back to the Mirrors and Mountains Blog where I asked you to take a look in the mirror and say what you see.  Negativity breeds negativity and that’s what got me here in the first place. 

This is of course only they way I see things, my triggers are going to be different to yours as we are all individuals and I am not a phycologist.  I don’t profess to know the complexities of the human mind.  I just know me, and the weird and sometimes wonderful things that go through my head on a daily basis.